Important points regarding installation of center lock wheel hubs -
ULTI製タイヤ再入荷! ULTI tires restock!
New! Yokomo Yellow Wheels! -
Awesomatix A12用新製品追加&全日本応援セール!
New parts for Awesomatix A12 and Sale! -
Center-lock wheel hubs for 1/12 pan cars! -
ハイパフォーマンス2セルバッテリー発売! High performance 2 cell battery!
Team Bomber製タイヤ各種再入荷! Team Bomber tires are restock!
Awesomatix A12シリーズ用新製品発売! New products for Awesomatix A12 series!
New M2.5 wheel screws!
納期について - About delivery
Normally we will ship products within the next business day.
However some of our products will be manufactured after the order is placed. It would take a few days before shipping.
オリジナル部品製作について - Manufacturing Original parts
We can manufacture original parts for customer. Please consult via Facebook page or Contact. However we do not replicate existing parts in the market.
About us
Sagami RC Fab(通称SRF)は主として1/12および1/10の電動RCレーシングカーの設計開発を行っている小さな工房です。SRFで作製したシャーシはこれまで全日本選手権優勝など多くの実績があり、エキスパートドライバーにも愛用されております。これまで基本的にオーダーメイドの開発を行ってきておりましたが、多くの方に共通でお使い頂けるアイテムについて、このストアで販売していくことと致しました。
Sagami RC Fab (SRF in short) is a small workshop that mainly designs and develops 1/12 and 1/10 electric RC racing cars. The chassis made by SRF has many achievements such as winning the Japan National Championship, therefore is also favored by expert drivers. Until now, we have been developing custom-made items, but we have decided to sell items at this store that can be commonly used by many RC fans.