Shipping suspended on 11th Feb due to national holiday in Japan.

ULTI製タイヤ再入荷! ULTI tires restock!

ULTI製ラバータイヤが再入荷しました。12R-6-DJSはいわゆるラバー系の硬度30度で、おおよそTeam Bomber製イエローミディアムとミディアムソフトの中間の硬さになっています。


ULTI foam tires are back in stock. The 12R-6-DJS has a shore hardness of 30, which is in between the hardness of Team Bomber's yellow medium and medium soft.

This is a product that we would like pilots participating in the All Japan Championships at Tsukuba RC Arena to try out.

12R-6-DJS : ULTI J-compound, Donuts, Rear Soft, 3 pair