Shipping suspended on 13th Jan. 2025.

3/16” Axle shims released!

WorldsフロントサスペンションやAwesomatix A12、ROCHE P12Vなどにお使い頂ける内径3/16インチのアクスルシムを発売開始しました。



We are now selling axle shims with an inner diameter of 3/16 inches that can be used for Worlds front suspension, Awesomatix A12, ROCHE P12V, etc.

Three thicknesses are available, so by combining them you can set the optimal clearance.

Made of stainless steel, the inner diameter is 4.8mm and the outer diameter is 6.8mm.

AC-023 : Front axle shims (3/16" x 0.1 mm)

AC-024 : Front axle shims (3/16" x 0.35 mm)

AC-025 : Front axle shims (3/16" x 0.5 mm)