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3Dバンパー3種類追加しました |Addition of new 3D bumpers

XRAY X12 '21用のワイドバンパー、X12 2019~2021用のGT12バンパー、Schumacher Eclipse 3/4用のGT12バンパーを新発売しました。

We have released a new wide bumper for XRAY X12 '21, GT12 bumper for X12 2019-2021, and GT12 bumper for Schumacher Eclipse 3/4.

XR-003: 3D printed bumper for XRAY X12 ’21 (wide)

XR-004: 3D printed bumper for XRAY X12 ’21 (GT12)

SC-007: 3D printed bumper for Schumacher Eclipse 3/4 (GT12)